- Can I move it please? 我可以移一下吗?
- Now, 2012... where can I go to avoid it all? Please can I move to China? 那么,2012--我跑到哪里才可以完全的避开它?请问我能搬到中国去吗?
- That chair is in the way, move it please. 那把椅子挡着路,请把它移开。
- Yes, I can, but I feel painful every time I move it. 是的,可以动,但动时感到痛。
- This is marvellous.When can I move in? 这样太好了,我什么时候能搬进来?
- I move it around with my hockey stick. 我用球杆掌握冰球的运动方向。
- My arm hurts when I move it like this. 我这样动时,胳膊就痛。
- Herbert: Can I move closer to you? 我可以靠你近一点吗?
- Can I move classes from client to server? 是否可以将类从客户端移到服务器?
- Ike: Can I move, I'm getting a cramp in my tail? 艾克:我能动一下吗?我屁股都快抽筋了。
- How can I move the cursor around the screen? 我怎样将光标在屏幕里移动?
- How can I move my storage folder to another path? 如何将存储文件夹移动到另一路径下?
- Brian: If I can learn to be more tidy, can I move in with you then? 布莱恩:如果我学会整洁一点,我就可以搬进来和你一起住了吗?
- How can I move on for a long_state love?How to make devoting keep away? 那么久的一段感情怎样割舍得下?投入的全身心怎样可以抽离?
- Can I have a look at it, please? 我可以看看吗?
- Can someone who has it please upload? I can trade. 请有它的人能否上装?我可以换。
- Now, 2012... where can I go to avoid it all?Please can I move to China?The chinese put on a fantastic show and we have basically a red bus and a sparkler. 中国人的表演非常令人着迷,可我们就只有一辆红巴士和一些发光物(是指巴士变形后出来的绿哇哇的东西咩?)
- Christopher: Yeah. Sort of. It's flat and slides on the ice. I move it around with my hockey stick. 克里斯托弗:像,有点儿像。冰球是扁圆的,在冰上能滑动。我用球杆把握冰球的运动方向。
- Excuse me, can I get past, please? 劳驾,能让我过去吗?
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?